configs namespace

All available parameters with their default values are listed below. They are sorted alphabetically. Another way to see all options (besides h_samples) is by running --help (output is below on this page), where the options are grouped.


See HOWTO: Create dataset - labels file specification for more information.


This application provides two modes it can be run with. train for training a model and runtime for everything “after” training like testing, validation or production use.

There are also some special modes. They also define one of the basic modes (the current special modes are all using runtime), but additionally override some other configs.

  • test: Short hand to test a model
    set input to images and output to test

  • preview: Short hand to show a life video of the net’s predictions
    set input to images, output to video and enable live video

  • prod: Short hadn for production mode
    set input to camera and output to prod

  • benchmark: Short hand to benchmark
    set input to images and output to json (the simplest output module) and enables measure_time

default configuration

Default values for all config options

IMPORTANT: Changes to the values of the default config will probably brick existing configs!

configs.default.backbone: str = '18'

define which resnet backbone to use, allowed values - [‘18’, ‘34’, ‘50’, ‘101’, ‘152’, ‘50next’, ‘101next’, ‘50wide’, ‘101wide’]

configs.default.batch_size: int = 4

number of samples to process in one batch

configs.default.camera_input_cam_number: int = 0

number of your camera

configs.default.data_root: str = None

absolute path to root directory of your dataset

configs.default.dataset: str = None

dataset name

configs.default.epoch: int = 100

number of epochs to train

configs.default.griding_num: int = 100

x resolution of nn, just like h_samples are the y resolution

configs.default.h_samples: List[float] = None

relative height of y coordinates between 0 and 1. This is required to support different img_heights. initialize this entry with something like: [x / 720 for x in range(380, 711, 10)].

to access the correct h_samples for your resolution you can use something like [int(round(x*img_height)) for x in h_samples]

see documentation for more infos

configs.default.img_height: int = 720

input image height or desired height, depending on input module. Some input modules of the runtime module (e.g. screencap) might resize their actual input res to the values specified here

configs.default.img_width: int = 1280

input image width or desired width, depending on input module. Some input modules of the runtime module (e.g. screencap) might resize their actual input res to the values specified here

configs.default.input_mode: str = 'images'

specifies input module

configs.default.learning_rate: float = 0.0004

initial learning rate

configs.default.local_rank = None

set via cli, required if using distributed learning (which i am not supporting, but also did not remove related code by purpose)

configs.default.measure_time: bool = False

enable speed measurement

configs.default.note: str = ''

suffix for working directory (probably good to give them a rememberable name

configs.default.num_lanes: int = 4

number of lanes

configs.default.on_train_copy_project_to_out_dir: bool = True

define whether the project project directory is copied to the output directory

configs.default.optimizer: str = 'Adam'

which optimizer to use, valid values are [‘SGD’,’Adam’]

configs.default.output_mode: List[str] = ['test']

specifies output module, can define multiple modules by using this parameter multiple times. Using multiple out-modules might decrease performance significantly

configs.default.resume: str = None

absolute path of existing model; continue training this model

configs.default.screencap_enable_image_forwarding: bool = True

allows disabling image forwarding. While this will probably improve performance for this input it will prevent you from using most out_modules as also no input_file (with paths to frames on disk) is available in this module

configs.default.screencap_recording_area: List[int] = [0, 0, 1920, 1080]

x (left), y(top), w, h


position and size of recording area

configs.default.test_txt: str = 'test.txt'

testing index file

configs.default.test_validation_data: str = 'test.json'

file containing labels for test data to validate test results

configs.default.train_gt: str = 'train_gt.txt'

training index file

configs.default.train_img_height: int = 288

resolution the neural network is working with

untested, changing these values might not work as expected. If changed use a multiple of 8 some (possibly) relations in source code are unclear and might not be adjusted correctly

configs.default.train_img_width: int = 800

resolution the neural network is working with

untested, changing these values might not work as expected. If changed use a multiple of 8 some (possibly) relations in source code are unclear and might not be adjusted correctly

configs.default.trained_model: str = None

load trained model and use it for runtime

configs.default.use_aux: bool = True

adding extra segmentation to improve training, read the ufld paper for more details

configs.default.video_input_file: str = None

full filepath to video file you want to use as input

configs.default.video_out_enable_image_export: bool = False

enable/disable export to images (like video, but as jpegs)

configs.default.video_out_enable_line_mode: bool = False

enable/disable visualize as lines instead of points

configs.default.video_out_enable_live_video: bool = True

enable/disable live preview

configs.default.video_out_enable_video_export: bool = False

enable/disable export to video file

configs.default.work_dir: str = None

every output will be written here


absolute path to working directory

CLI help

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit

basic switches, these are always needed:
config                path to config file
--mode                Basic modes: train, runtime; special modes: test, preview, prod, benchmark
--dataset             dataset name, can be any string
--data_root           absolute path to root directory of your dataset
--batch_size          number of samples to process in one batch
--backbone            define which resnet backbone to use, allowed values: ['18', '34', '50', '101', '152', '50next', '101next', '50wide', '101wide']
--griding_num         x resolution of nn, just like h_samples are the y resolution
--note                suffix for working directory (probably good to give them a rememberable name
--work_dir            working directory: every output will be written here
--num_lanes           number of lanes
--img_height          height of input images
--img_width           width of input images
--train_img_height    height of image which will be passed to nn; !this option is untested and might not work!
--train_img_width     width of image which will be passed to nn; !this option is untested and might not work!

these switches are only used for training

--use_aux             used to improve training, should be disabled during runtime (independent of this config)
--epoch               number of epochs to train
--steps  [ ...]
--resume              path of existing model; continue training this model
--train_gt            training index file (train_gt.txt)
                      define whether the project project directory is copied to the output directory

these switches are only used in the runtime module

--trained_model       load trained model and use it for runtime
--output_mode         specifies output module, can define multiple modules by using this parameter multiple times. Using multiple out-modules might decrease performance significantly
--input_mode          specifies input module
--measure_time        enable speed measurement
--test_txt            testing index file (test.txt)

input modules:
with these options you can configure the input modules. Each module may have its own config switches

--video_input_file    full filepath to video file you want to use as input
                      number of your camera
--screencap_recording_area  [ ...]
                      position and size of recording area: x,y,w,h
                      allows disabling image forwarding. While this will probably improve performance for this input it will prevent you from using most out_modules as also no input_file (with paths to frames on disk) is available in this module

output modules:
with these options you can configure the output modules. Each module may have its own config switches

                      file containing labels for test data to validate test results
                      enable/disable live preview
                      enable/disable export to video file
                      enable/disable export to images (like video, but as jpegs)
                      enable/disable visualize as lines instead of points